Food Pantry Policy Change Effective October 2, 2017
Attention: the Board of Directors voted on September 16, 2017 to make food accessible first to clients and qualified new applicants first. Therefore, effective October 2, 2017, the food pantry will be open to clients and new applicants only.
Any extra food that will be available to those not a regular client will be available after 1:30 p.m., in the thrift store. This does not guarantee that there will be extra food each day, only that if there is, it will be available after the pantry closes and in the thrift store. The amount of food may be limited to a specific amount per person/family i.e., one loaf of bread and one sweet, or one sweet only, one bread only, etc. It depends on how much we have available.
Anyone receiving food via the thrift store will have to complete a check off slip that will be on a clipboard. It does not require an application, it just requires that you answer a couple of questions with checks.
Any questions can be directed to the board of directors, not employees or volunteers.