Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Valley Life Church of South Deerfield Replaces Porch on our Storage House

We would like to publicly thank all the members of the Valley Life Church of South Deerfield who helped us this past Saturday by replacing our front porch on our storage house next door!  The pictures below show the extent of work they did and all done in one day! They are a fantastic group of people. Several members of the congregation also helped in the sorting room and even worked in the store! Thank you all very much!

They stripped down the porch to the bare bones!

They discovered some really rotten boards and had to strip out the master beam of the floor. 

They replaced the master beam, added beautiful flooring and even put in lattice for decoration which will allow for proper air flow.

While some worked outside,there were some working in our sorting room, too! 

The result of their work, a beautiful new front porch!  Thank you all so much! 

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Monday, April 04, 2016

The Center Closed today due to Snowstorm

We hope all are home safe and warm.  With out spring snowstorm upon us, we decided to close today.  Take care and see you tomorrow, we hope!